Islamic Hajj Deposit Scheme

Fulfill your dream of Hajj by growing your savings with Islamic’s Hajj deposit scheme. Take a step closer to your journey towards Allah’s house with Islamic’s Hajj deposit scheme.

Features and Benefits

  • Flexible monthly installments based on preferred Hajj year
  • Monthly profit sharing
  • Attractive profit rate
  • Profit will be paid for the years completed as per agreed ratio. For completed months and fractional days profit rate will based on last month savings rate


  • Must be a citizen of Bangladesh
  • Above 18 years
Required Documents
  • NID/Birth certificate/Passport
  • Photograph – 2 Copies
  • Nominee photograph – 1 Copy
  • Nominee’s NID/Birth certificate/Passport
  • Income source document (if available)
  • E-TIN (if available)

Profit Sharing Ratio

The profit sharing ratio will be determined based on IISR from time to time. To know more about IISR please click here.

How does it work?

  • Customer provides funds to the bank.
  • Bank pools funds from the customers and invest them in Shariah-compliant activities.
  • Profit derived from the activities are shared between Bank and customer based on the agreed profit sharing ratio.
  • Any losses will be borne by the customer except when Bank is negligent.

Shariah Pronouncement

﴿بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم﴾

الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

All praise to Allah and May peace and blessings be upon his messenger, his family, his companions and all followers of his guidance.

Shariah Structure of the Product

  • This is an investment account based on partnership contract Mudarabah
  • Under this contract, the customer (Rab-ul-Mal) places fund as capital with the Bank
  • City Islamic as Mudarib allocates the fund in deposit pool and invest them in Shariah-compliant way.
  • These financing transactions and their documents are vetted and supervised by the Shariah Supervisory Committee
  • Profit generated from the investment of deposit pool is shared between the customer and Bank based on pre-agreed IISR
  • In terms of loss, the customer will bear all the monetary loss whereas the Bank will bear the loss of its effort
  • Bank on its sole discretion can provide Hibah (gift) to customer from time to time

Approval of Shariah Supervisory Committee

The Shariah Supervisory Committee of City Bank has reviewed the Islamic Hajj Deposit Account documentation, related contracts and process.

Therefore, We the “Shariah Supervisory Committee” for City Bank confirm that in our opinion the “Islamic Hajj Deposit Account” is in accordance with the Mudarabah principle of Islamic finance and hence we allow the bank to provide this product to its customer.


And Allah Knows Best.


Dr. Md. Anwar Hosain Molla


Shariah Supervisory Committee, City Bank

This certificate was signed on Tuesday 11th May 2021


Islamic Hajj Deposit Scheme is based on Islamic partnership contract Mudarabah